Just received the most wonderful owl softie from the lovely Emma Jane Milburn ! Thank you and you have made my day, creative lady! xx

Ive been having problems with my PC recently and have lost my embroidery software!!!!! Hopefully this will rectify my lack of new designs into embroidery....Watch this space!

I found this great video from Benji Davies and Jim Field.

Year of the Rabbit from Frater on Vimeo.

Anyone out here got some Rabbit themed products they would like to share with us?

Pricing your handmade goods

A great article produced by Larissa Robinson-Joice of www.giggleicious-photography.co.uk covers that age old topic of "pricing"!

Some points she makes are:

  • You ARE a business person, no matter what your craft and should organise yourself as such.
  • You should pay yourself NO LESS than the minimum wage and this should be factored into the prices of your goods.
  • Factor in the WHOLE cost of making your goods; both waste and used materials (such as off-cuts), shipping (to you), your tools and equipment costs, rent, repairs, phone, internet, website costs, electricity, advertising and office equipment. (You will need to make educated guesses with regard to utilities, especially if you work from home.)

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